Sell crypto assets with FAR crypto currency token right now

Private sale phase launched for FAR crypto currency token. What is FarSwap? FarSwap is a software running on ethereum Blockhain that seeks to incentivize a network of users to operate a platform where users can Lend, borrow, buy and sell Crypto assets and earn massive rewards. FarSwap is an automated market maker (AMM) decentralized exchange (Dex) given by community vote. Users get 50% of the generated.

Farswap Strong Holder offers will be only for the permanent community members of FarSwap. This campaign will be given to people who are actively helping to develop our ecosystem and Farswap protocol, as well as active participants in Ambassador teams at FarSwap Social Media and competitions. So be sure to write down the wallet adress you are always using, to the whitelist. Read more to learn about the whitelisting process. Read extra information at FAR crypto token.

Round 1: FARSWAP SHO Offer

Allocation: 125,000 USD for 250 Participants , Timeline: Start date of applying: 24/02/2021 10:00 UTC ; Whitelist Termination: 26/02/2021 10:00 UTC ; Announcement of Winners: 26/09/2021 13:00 UTC; Deadline for Deposit: 01/03/2020 19:00 UTC.

How do I participate:
Step 1: Go to FarSwap Platform: and click the Whitelist tab.
Step 2: Fill out the whitelist form, make sure you have typed your ethereum address correctly on your whitelist form.
Step 3: Wait for the whitelist timeline to finish and the check the announcement of the winners list of applicants to the whitelist. Winners will be notified via email, so please log in to the platform after the winners are announced and also don’t forget to check your spam folder in your mailbox.
Step 4: Follow the instructions and send the correct amount of money in the correct currency to the given address. Users who send too many or the wrong currency will be removed from the sale and their assets will be refunded only after the sale will end.

Round 2 of the Strong Holder Offering:

The second round of the Farswap SHO program. To be eligible for a SHO lottery ticket, users must input all of the above required informations to the WhiteList . Those users who will be participating in SHO Round 1, can participate in SHO Round 2 again.

Factors that will increase the chances of winning for SHO include:

– Keeping tokens longer.
– If the wallet adress which was added to the White List has a FAR tokens which were already purchased from IEO.
– Holding more tokens.

Overview: Allocation: 75.000 USD for 150 Participants

– Start: 02/03/2021 10:00 UTC
– SHO WhiteList application deadline: 05/03/2021 13:00 UTC
– Announcement of Winners: 05/03/2021 15:00 UTC
– Deadline for Deposit : 07/03/2021 18:00 UTC

How do I participate:

Step 1: Go to FarSwap Platform at and click on the SHO tab.
Step 2: Link your wallet address with strong sale .
Step 3: Wait for the end of the SHO timeline and the SHO winner announcement. Winners will be notified via email, so please log into the platform after the winners are announced and also check out your mailbox spam folder.
Step 4: Send the correct amount of money to the address provided in the correct currency after you win. Users who send too many or the wrong currency will be removed from the sale and are refunded only after the sale is complete.

Tokens Sold in both rounds will be priced at 0.000308 ethereum. 25% of the tokens will be distributed to the participants during the listing. To encourage the Farswap Protocol and create a healthy start, Round 1 and Round 2 participants are required to use the Farswap Protocol at least once using their whitelisted wallet in the Ethereum mainnet. Other distributions will be distributed after 1 month.

Uniswap makews it possible for liquidity providers only earn transaction fees from the fund pool when they actively provide liquidity. Once they withdraw funds from the pool, they will no longer receive that passive income. In addition, as agreements become more and more popular, even though they are early liquidity providers, they still face being joined by large funds, exchanges, mining pools, and other (larger and richer) stakeholders to join the agreement, which will The risk of earnings dilution. See more info on FarSwap.

Key Links

Chainx Exchange Membership:
SHO page :
Whitelist Form :
Round 2 Presale Form :

General info about crypto currencies and disclaimers

Don’t chase cheap coins with dreams of lambos and private jets. Lots of uneducated investors in the crypto space buy low priced cryptocurrencies because they think there is a higher chance of big returns. If presented with one coin priced at $0.01 and another at $75, they blindly purchase the $0.01 coin because they think it’s easier for a coin to go from $0.01 to $0.02, rather than from $75 to $150. This is a common trap. There are lots of factors that affect a coin’s price, including two important ones: the circulating supply and the real world value of the coin.

Are Cryptocurrency wallets secure? Wallets are secure to varying degrees. The level of security depends on the type of wallet you use (desktop, mobile, online, paper, hardware) and the service provider. A web server is an intrinsically riskier environment to keep your currency compared to offline. Online wallets can expose users to possible vulnerabilities in the wallet platform which can be exploited by hackers to steal your funds. Offline wallets, on the other hand, cannot be hacked because they simply aren’t connected to an online network and don’t rely on a third party for security.

Embrace volatility – Cryptocurrencies are famously volatile. The price of Bitcoin, for example, went from $3,000 down to $2,000 and then leapt up to nearly $5,000, all within three months in 2017. Whilst this means risk is high, it also means the potential for profit is great too. It’s always sensible to check the volatility of the exchange you decide to go with. Understand blockchain – You don’t need to understand the technical complexities, but a basic understanding will help you respond to news and announcements that may help you predict future price movements. It is essentially a continuously growing list of secure records (blocks). Cryptography secures the interactions and then stores them publicly. They serve as a public ledger, cutting out intermediaries such as banks.