Neck and shoulder pain treatment today

Shoulder and neck pain treatment 2024: Manual therapy — In manual therapy, your PT uses massage-like movements to mobilize stiff joints and tissue. This can get more fresh blood circulating through the area to help your body heal naturally. Any professional working on your neck should have a license or certification. At Lattimore Physical Therapy, we have 30 therapists with a Certification in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (COMT) who have expertise in neck anatomy and safe manual therapy methods. Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) — This technique is like manual therapy, except the therapist uses ergonomic stainless steel tools to penetrate muscles and tissue more deeply. Discover many more info on neck pain.

Hands-on therapy encompasses techniques employed by therapists to manipulate muscles and joints. These methods, such as massage, joint mobilization, and myofascial release, aim to alleviate pain and improve mobility. Consequently, they can significantly enhance overall physical well-being. Types of Manual Therapy: Massage Therapy: Eases muscle tension, enhances circulation. Promotes relaxation. Joint Mobilization: Gentle movements of the joints to enhance range of motion and reduce pain. Myofascial Release: Focuses on releasing tightness in the tissues surrounding muscles. Therapies are methods for managing pain and inflammation. For instance, heat therapy, such as using compresses or heating pads, can help relax muscles and enhance blood circulation. In contrast, cold therapy, like applying ice packs, can decrease swelling and provide relief by numbing the affected area.

Chronic neck discomfort often results from factors such as poor posture, muscle tension, or underlying health issues. Therefore, physical therapy plays a crucial role in addressing neck pain by incorporating targeted exercises and hands-on therapy. This approach not only reduces the need for medications and their potential side effects but also aims to improve long-term neck health and overall well-being naturally. Approaches: Performing stretches and strength building exercises targeting the neck and shoulder muscles. Using manual therapy techniques to relieve muscle tension and enhance movement. Understanding principles. Correcting posture habits.

Physical therapy offers lasting advantages for those dealing with pain, thus enhancing their overall well-being. By addressing the root causes of pain and promoting healthy habits, we can significantly enhance our well being. Advantages of Physical Therapy for Managing Chronic Pain: Reduced Reliance on Pain Medications: Through its targeted methods, physical therapy not only focuses on pain relief but also significantly diminishes the necessity for medications and their potential side effects. As a result, patients can experience improved well-being and reduced reliance on pharmaceutical interventions. Improved Mobility and Function: Incorporating both regular physical activity and hands-on therapy into one’s routine can result in improved function. Consequently, this enhancement makes day-to-day tasks significantly easier and more enjoyable to accomplish. See extra info at

Supportive pillow — Neck pain from sleeping is often due to unsupportive pillows that put excessive strain on your neck muscles. Try swapping your current pillow out for one with firm support that will help keep your neck in a comfortable position as you sleep. Many experts recommend cervical pillows, which feature dips where your head goes for effective support. Neck exercises — A physical therapist can guide you through safe and effective exercises that can reduce your neck pain by stretching the affected muscles to improve their range of motion. They can also show you neck strengthening exercises to boost the neck’s stability and spine support. These exercises can be performed at home for future flare-ups, or between appointments.

Mild to moderate neck pain can usually be treated at home and improves within a couple of weeks, but it’s important to seek immediate medical attention if you develop severe neck pain suddenly due to an injury, such as after a car accident or a fall. You should also consult a healthcare provider if, in addition to neck pain, you’re also experiencing numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands, or a shooting pain down your arm. Neck pain can be axial (limited mostly to the neck) or radicular (extending to areas such as the shoulders or arms). It may be accompanied by a headache, or by numbness or tingling in one or both arms. Neck pain can also be acute, lasting days to weeks, or chronic, lasting longer than three months to several years.