Dental implant dental clinic Hampstead today

Oral surgery dentist Hampstead today: Recovery and Aftercare – Proper recovery and aftercare are crucial for successful results following dental implant surgery. Discomfort and swelling can be managed with prescribed medications. Maintaining oral hygiene is essential to prevent complications. A soft diet and avoiding hard foods can aid in a smooth recovery. Regular follow-up appointments with your Hampstead, UK dentist ensure proper healing of the implants, enhancing their longevity and improving your quality of life. Advantages of Choosing Dental Implants – Choosing dental implants offers long-lasting benefits. Unlike removable dentures, implants are a permanent part of you, providing comfort and convenience. They support oral health by preserving the jawbone and preventing further tooth loss, ensuring a healthy and bright smile. Read additional details on

What are Dental Implants? – Dental implants are the solution for replacing missing teeth. They are surgically placed below the gumline and act as a replacement of the natural tooth root for creating an anchor for crowns and artificial teeth. Most dental implants come in a metallic form that can be fused with the natural bone over time. Long-Term Benefits of Dental Implants – Improved appearance: Dental implants are designed to look and feel like natural teeth, providing a more attractive and natural smile than alternative treatments. The implant will fit snugly against adjacent teeth, and can be adjusted to match the surrounding natural teeth.

Scientists have discovered that periodontal disease is linked to coronary heart disease and stroke, especially for people who smoke or have high blood pressure. What is the treatment for bad breath? Once we have determined the degree and cause of the breath problem, the treatment can take many forms. If medical problems are found to be the underlying cause of bad breath, proper referral will be made. Recommendations will be made by the dentist to correct and treat any dental disease that is directly related to the breath problem or gum disease. Our hygienist will monitor and chart the condition of your gums before and after root planing and scaling. She will instruct in the best way to brush your teeth and gums and will advise on best devices and products to use as an effective home care program to destruct the volatile sulfur gases. In some patients with high decay rate our hygienist will perform a SALIVA TEST which acts as a screening aide for dental caries and can determine the presence of plaque retentive sites with high bacterial counts.

Routine dental examinations are vital, not only to maintain the health of your teeth and gums but also in aiding a healthy body and lifestyle. What is the dentist looking for when he/she checks my teeth? At a routine dental check-up, the dentist is forming a diagnosis of your health in relation to the head and neck (extra-oral), all the areas inside your mouth (intra-oral), your lymph nodes, soft tissues, Temporomandibular joint, facial and chewing muscles and any exposed skin or soft tissue abnormalities. This is all in addition to checking the condition of your gums, the health of your tooth structure, looking for decay and worn or leaking restorations.

As an expert dental specialist, Dr Sanei will carry out a full examination including head/neck exam of glands and nodes, muscles of mastication, TMJ (jaw joint) and oral cancer checks, as well as taking important x-rays in order to discover any potential dental problems that may exist and/or arise in the future from your teeth, gums and existing restorations (fillings, crowns etc). Detailed photographs of relevant teeth will be taken and all findings will be discussed with you immediately. If any dental treatment is required, all possible options will be considered and although it would be our duty to recommend the ideal treatment option for you, your personal choices will be listened to and respected. Going forward, any treatment carried out would be with your full and informed consent. Find additional information on

Dental veneers are bonded to the top of your teeth, but they can be made to extend further if needed. Think of veneer teeth like fake nails, extending the appearance – and possibly the colour – of your tooth, but also potentially providing additional functionality. If you choose to do this however, bear in mind that porcelain veneers can also wear down or become damaged just like real teeth. If you’re seeking veneers for this, make sure you speak to our dental team in Hampstead about getting a mouth guard following the procedure.

At Dental Perfection we always welcome new patients of all ages. The majority of our new patients are typically recommended by our existing private patients, or by those who have been referred to us by dentists seeking a specialist opinion and/or treatment from Dr Mehran Sanei, our Specialist Prosthodontist. New patients can simply call 020 7431 2710 to speak with our friendly reception team. We will quickly find the most suitable time for you whilst you are on the phone and we can answer any questions or concerns you may have before visiting our state-of-the-art dental practice in Hampstead.